= ipFrom and INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') <= ipTo and "; } if (!empty($ispName)) { $query1 = $query1."UPPER(ispName) LIKE UPPER('%".str_replace( "'", "''", $ispName )."%') and "; } if (!empty($region)) { $query1 = $query1."UPPER(region) = UPPER('".str_replace( "'", "''", $region )."') and "; } if (!empty($country)) { $query1 = $query1."countryCode = '".str_replace( "'", "''", $country )."' and "; } $query2 = ""; if (!empty($gnl)) { $query2 = $query2.", list_detail as d "; } $query2 = $query2." WHERE "; if (!empty($gnl)) { $query2 = $query2."d.list_id = '".$gnl."' and d.ipFrom = s.ipFrom and d.ipTo = s.ipTo and "; } if (!empty($ipAddressip2l)) { $query2 = $query2."INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') >= s.ipFrom and INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') <= s.ipTo and "; } if (!empty($ispNameip2l)) { $query2 = $query2."UPPER(s.ispName) LIKE UPPER('%".str_replace( "'", "''", $ispName )."%') and "; } if (!empty($region)) { $query2 = $query2."UPPER(s.region) = UPPER('".str_replace( "'", "''", $region )."') and "; } if (!empty($country)) { $query2 = $query2."s.countryCode = '".str_replace( "'", "''", $country )."' and "; } if ( $gnl == "") { if ( $ip2l !== "" ) { $query = ""; if ( $gnlSort == 'y' ) { $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(ipTo) as ipToText, countryCode, countryName, latitude, longitude, region, ispName, city, zipcode FROM ip2l_db14 WHERE "; $query = $query.$query1." NOT EXISTS ( SELECT list_id FROM list_detail WHERE list_detail.ipFrom = ip2l_db14.ipFrom AND list_detail.ipTo = ip2l_db14.ipTo )"; } else { $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(ipTo) as ipToText, countryCode, countryName, latitude, longitude, region, ispName, city, zipcode FROM ip2l_db14 WHERE "; $query = $query.$query1." 1=1"; } $result = mysqli_query ( $GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], $query ) ; $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows( $result ); $rangeTotal = $num_rows; $query = ""; if ( $gnlSort == 'y' ) { $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(ipTo) as ipToText, countryCode, countryName, latitude, longitude, region, ispName, city, zipcode FROM ip2l_db14 WHERE "; $query = $query.$query1." NOT EXISTS ( SELECT list_id FROM list_detail WHERE list_detail.ipFrom = ip2l_db14.ipFrom AND list_detail.ipTo = ip2l_db14.ipTo ) LIMIT ".( ($pageID)*200 ).", 200"; } else { $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(ipTo) as ipToText, countryCode, countryName, latitude, longitude, region, ispName, city, zipcode FROM ip2l_db14 WHERE "; $query = $query.$query1." 1=1 LIMIT ".( ($pageID)*200 ).", 200"; } $ip2l_result = mysqli_query ($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], $query); check_for_mysqli_error($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn']); $pageTotal = floor( ( $rangeTotal-1 )/200 ) ; $ip2lRows = mysqli_num_rows($ip2l_result); } if ($ipGeo != "") { $query = ""; $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(ipTo) as ipToText, priority, countryCode, countryName, longitude, latitude, region, city, zipcode, timeZone, ispName, domainName, info_source FROM ip_geolocation WHERE "; $query = $query.$query1." 1=1"; $geo_result = mysqli_query ( $GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], $query ) ; check_for_mysqli_error($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn']); $geoRows = mysqli_num_rows($geo_result); } if ($subscriber != "") { //There is no empty check for $ipAddress since that is the only query that makes sense //If the user does not set it then an empty result set is returned $iplist_result = mysqli_query ($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], "SELECT INET_NTOA(d.ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(d.ipTo) as ipToText, d.list_id, d.cidr, s.list_name, SUBSTRING_INDEX(d.cidr,'/',1) as startIP FROM list_detail as d, subscriber_lists as s WHERE INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') >= ipFrom AND INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') <= ipTo AND d.list_id = s.list_id"); check_for_mysqli_error($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn']); $subscriberRows = mysqli_num_rows($iplist_result); } } else { if ($ip2l != "") { $query= "SELECT INET_NTOA(s.ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(s.ipTo) as ipToText, s.countryCode, s.countryName, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.region, s.ispName, s.city, s.zipcode FROM ip2l_db14 as s "; $query = $query.$query2." 1=1"; $result = mysqli_query ( $GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], $query ) ; $num_rows = mysqli_num_rows( $result ); $rangeTotal = $num_rows; $query = ""; $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(s.ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(s.ipTo) as ipToText, s.countryCode, s.countryName, s.latitude, s.longitude, s.region, s.ispName, s.city, s.zipcode FROM ip2l_db14 as s "; $query = $query.$query2." 1=1 LIMIT ".( ($pageID)*200 ).", 200"; $ip2l_result = mysqli_query ($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], $query); check_for_mysqli_error($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn']); $pageTotal = floor( ( $rangeTotal-1 )/200 ) ; $ip2lRows = mysqli_num_rows($ip2l_result); } if ($ipGeo != "") { $query = ""; $query = "SELECT INET_NTOA(s.ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(s.ipTo) as ipToText, s.priority, s.countryCode, s.countryName, s.longitude, s.latitude, s.region, s.city, s.zipcode, s.timeZone, s.ispName, s.domainName, s.info_source, INET_NTOA(d.ipFrom) as ipFromTextd, d.list_id FROM ip_geolocation as s "; if (!empty($priority)) { $query = $query.$query2."s.priority = ".intval($priority)." and "; } $query = $query.$query2." 1=1"; $geo_result = mysqli_query ( $GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], $query ) ; check_for_mysqli_error($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn']); $geoRows = mysqli_num_rows($geo_result); } if ($subscriber != "") { //There is no empty checl for $ipAddress since that is the only query that makes sense //If the user does not set it that an empty result set is returned $iplist_result = mysqli_query ($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn'], "SELECT INET_NTOA(list_detail.ipFrom) as ipFromText, INET_NTOA(list_detail.ipTo) as ipToText, list_detail.list_id, list_detail.cidr, subscriber_lists.list_name, SUBSTRING_INDEX(list_detail.cidr,'/',1) as startIP FROM list_detail, subscriber_lists WHERE INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') >= ipFrom AND INET_ATON('".$ipAddress."') <= ipTo AND list_detail.list_id = subscriber_lists.list_id"); check_for_mysqli_error($GLOBALS['__mysqli_conn']); $subscriberRows = mysqli_num_rows($iplist_result); } } function imask ( $this ) { // use base_convert not dechex because dechex is broken and returns 0x80000000 instead of 0xffffffff return base_convert ( ( pow(2,32) - pow(2, (32-$this)) ), 10, 16 ) ; } function imaxblock ( $ibase, $tbit ) { while ($tbit > 0) { $im = hexdec(imask($tbit-1)); $imand = $ibase & $im; if ($imand != $ibase) { break; } $tbit--; } return $tbit; } function range2cidrlist ( $start, $end ) { // this function returns an array of cidr lists that map the range given $result = array(); while ($end >= $start) { $maxsize = imaxblock($start,32); $x = log($end - $start + 1)/log(2); $maxdiff = floor(32 - floor($x)); $ip = long2ip($start); if ($maxsize < $maxdiff) { $maxsize = $maxdiff; } array_push($result,"$ip/$maxsize"); $start += pow(2, (32-$maxsize)); } return $result; } ?>

IP Geo Locations

IP Geo Locations
ISP Name:
IP Address:
/> Only show results without GNL

200 ) { ?>
&ip=®ion=&country=&priority=&gnlSort=&ip2l=true&ip_geo=true&subscriber=true"> &ip=®ion=&country=&priority=&gnlSort=&ip2l=true&ip_geo=true&subscriber=true"> of &ip=®ion=&country=&priority=&gnlSort=&ip2l=true&ip_geo=true&subscriber=true"> &ip=®ion=&country=&priority=&gnlSort=&ip2l=true&ip_geo=true&subscriber=true">
$gnl ) { $string = ""; $name = $gnl["name"]; $num = $gnl["num"]; if ( $i >= 1 ) $string = $string.","; if ( $num == $sizeof_result ) { $string = $string.$name; $addStr = $addStr.'
'.$name.' Delete GNL
'; } else { $string = $string.$name; $addStr = $addStr.'
'.$name.' Delete GNL
'; } $i = $i + 1; } if ( $gnlSort != '' ) { if ( $num != 1 ) { ?>
Source IP From IP To Priority Region City Country Zip Code Coordinates ISP Name List
"> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> "> ">
"> "> ">
," target="_blank" title="View location on map" alt="View location on map">,
$gnl ) { $name = $gnl["name"]; $num = $gnl["num"]; if ( $num == $sizeof_result ) { ?>
ip2l - ," target="_blank" title="View location on map" alt="View location on map">,
ip2l - ," target="_blank" title="View location on map" alt="View location on map">,
- - - - - - - -